Chinese Horoscope 2018

Chinese Horoscope 2018 . Just like Feng Shui teachings, the balance of power between the five elements generate happiness and fulfillment. The lack of energetic diversity generated by a dominating Element during a New Year of the Rooster, a New Year of the Rabbit and a New Year of the Rat, intensify the disturbance of the cyclical forces of time with those inherent to each sign of Chinese astrology.

It is therefore advisable to stay on guard before considering the possibility of a quick and easy investment return on a new business venture during Rooster Years.

Given the energy distribution of the 5 elements all along the year, it is best to start your projects in the fall or during the last two weeks of each season. Indeed, late seasons periods are represented by the Earth element, critical and useful for its stabilizing virtues, particularly during Years of the Fire Rooster.

The combination of this year’s element Fire with the element Metal highlights tensions with other energetic deficiencies, creating periods unfit to change.

If you’re single, this is a very good year to start a new relationship. However, romances that could have grown into solid marriages over time could well be cut short for reasons beyond the control of the new lovebirds; for instance, a professional or family move to another state or country.